Healing With Lori Ann
Bodywork for your Soul
Energetic Healing

Healing Energy provides a professional, alternative and complementary holistic therapy option for people who prefer to take a holistic approach to their health and wellness.  Energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself.


Frequencies of Brilliance is a unique energy healing technique that involves the activation of energetic doorways on both the front and back of the body.

These doorways are opened through a series of light touches.  This activation introduces high-level Frequencies into the emotional and physical bodies.  It works within all the cells and with the entire nervous system which activates new areas of the brain.  Frequencies of Brilliance is referred to as a self-remembrance work because the activation that occurs as the body is touched awakens at the quantum level your spiritual aspect.

When this happens you begin to express from the “Purest” part of yourself, bringing the fullness of "YOU" into the forefront of your life.  Living your life from this place allows a limitless potential for transformation at the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level.

Experience for yourself the Unique Energy of Frequencies of Brilliance. Enter Doorways to Remembrance of  YOUR  Unlimited Self.  More info on this particular healing: https://healingwithloriann.massagetherapy.com/what-is-frequencies-of-brilliance


So we begin with how I work with you in a Session either on the Phone or in person-  WHAT IS Soul COACHING?

Soul Coaching is a powerful, supportive, and dynamic relationship that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential and moves you into the future you desire. I assist you to clarify what is most important to you, your goals and taps into your unique gifts to help you achieve beyond what you thought was possible. You & your Guide team chooses the focus of each session, while the coach listens and contributes questions, observations and concepts, which can assist in creating possibilities and identifying actions. This partnership keeps you focused, on track and accountable to your actions and commitments.

By having a trained professional Spiritual coach, you will have someone in your life who is dedicated to you producing remarkable and life-­‐changing positive results in the areas of life you choose and someone to consistently remind you that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

These may include areas such as self love, confidence, fulfilling relationships, health/fitness, career, wealth and spirituality and awakening.

Through this process you will:

Get clear on your own goals, values and direction

Establish and commit to a plan of action.

Break your goals down into small attainable steps.

Have weekly coaching sessions and your own homework to keep you accountable and on track.

Breakthrough challenges and perceived barriers as they arise.

"Energetic Healing is the conscious and skilled use of therapeutic modalities to benefit a person on subtle and emotional levels, as well as in their general and physical well-being."


Energetic Healing is an umbrella term for any therapy that manipulates the energy circuits in our physical or subtle bodies to regain balance and facilitate our body’s innate healing mechanisms.

 Some of the more well know therapies that fall under the heading “energetic healing” include Reiki, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Thought Field Therapy and Acupuncture. However, energetic healing also encompasses lesser known natural therapies such as: Aura and Chakra balancing; Flower and Vibrational Essences, Essential Oils, Crystal Healing, Color Therapy, Spiritual Healing, and other forms of bodywork. Energetic healing practitioners are usually trained in a number of modalities and will combine these in their own unique way.

Many combine intuitive skills with their practical and theoretical skills.
Energetic healing takes a holistic approach that looks beyond the physical to manipulating the subtle energy systems (meridians, auric bodies, chakras, nadis) where the cause of the dis- ease can be located. Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.

Sacred Lomi is rooted in the lineage of Kahu Abraham Kawai’i. The practice integrates other lineages that support you to live a life of aloha and thrive in your life. Abraham Kawaii’s lineage is sometimes referred to as Temple Style Lomi, Hawaiian Temple Bodywork or Kahuna Bodywork.

The flowing forearm massage techniques save your hands and protect your body. The shamanic principles and energetic awareness support you to take care of yourself and deepen your capacity to facilitate healing for your clients.  Ho’oponopono, breath work, presence and aloha cultivate alignment with the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual bodies. There are many different styles of Lomilomi massage. Sacred Lomi uses flowing forearm massage, presence, prayer, aloha, breath-work and sacred touch to offer a space of unconditional love and acceptance. The intention of the work is to support the recipient to release anything that is no longer serving them and fully embody that which is authentic and in alignment with their soul.  In my practice: Clients are fully draped with sheets like in traditional Swedish Therapy. 

HARA HEALING – Purpose Alignment

This particular modality is great for anyone who:

  • is seeking more sense of purpose
  • desires to strengthen their focus and intention
  • is needing support with manifesting goals
  • is in any kind of transition phase
  • is burnt out and needing rejuvenation
  • has any spinal / skeletal misalignment or physical injuries
  • spiritual and emotional support

In a Hara healing we are working in the dimension of intention.  This modality strengthens your internal support system – the tree trunk of your being.

The Haric dimension is “deeper” than the auric dimension, as it holds its energetic foundation. So your auric energy field with the chakra system is also enhanced during the course of a Hara healing.


Energetic healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality.

What is energy & how is it connected to ill-health?

Quantum physics has acknowledged that we are all made up of energy, as is everything around us. It is the most basic building block of life, but like the air we breathe most people can't see it. Energy flows through everything and creates everything. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. It is just a difference in the vibrational frequency of energy that gives us the illusion of substance and separation, rather like water moving from solid ice at slower vibration, to fluids and then to steam at higher vibrations.

Our personal energies are delicately balanced and we can become sick or feel “not quite right” when our energy flows are disturbed or blocked. Energy imbalances can result from both internal and external factors.


Internal factors impacting our energy system include:

  • trauma
  • phobias
  • stress
  • childhood programming
  • illusions- conditioning
  • limiting beliefs
  • neurological, biochemical, and structural imbalances
  • existential fears and limiting spiritual beliefs
  • remaining in situations that are not fulfilling or in harmony with our needs


External factors impacting our energy systems include:

  • environmental stresses & toxins
  • geopathic phenomena
  • astrological phenomena
  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • posture


During our early life we start collecting information that determines our programming. Genetic, social and cultural aspects will contribute to this programming. Over the years these pictures and programs we collect will govern the way we use our energy. We hold the information in our subtle energy systems and it determines how the energy moves through our chakras. The pictures or programs will remain there until such time as we start to realise that we create our experiences with the beliefs we hold - good and bad.


The energy systems of the body (aura, chakras, nadis and meridians) are connected energetically to our physical organs, glands and bodily systems. When the energy supplied to these bodily systems is disrupted, the body organs and systems are less able to defend against disease and injury.

In the same way, the health of our energy systems also determines our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope, we feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical systems. Over a prolonged period this leads to ill health. If our energy systems are clear and balanced we will be in a better position to deal with situations and circumstances that might otherwise be perceived as a stress.

By working with the energy system we can access all levels of the mind, body and spirit and achieve a holistic healing. Knowing the connections and energy relationships means the nature of the disease and its location can guide us to where an energy block or imbalance is occurring, as well as what we need to do energetically to clear that block.

STRESS is our body’s mechanism of telling us that our energy is not flowing harmoniously and that something is not working in our lives. If we don’t pay attention to the initial messages, the warnings will become increasingly severe until we take are forced to take notice. Once we are aware of this "law", we can regard illness in a more positive light, so long as we then act upon it and make appropriate changes necessary to heal. Healing is a Journey..

Energy is within and around us all the time, but our consciousness enables us to activate it and make it vital. I usually need to reiterate to people that just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see air, but we know we breathe it to keep us alive. We also can't see electricity, atoms, electromagnetic fields, sound, radio waves or the weather, yet we can see or hear the indirect results of these in physical form. Everyone’s perception differs and an increasing number of people are able to perceive things using “extra-sensory perception” that others may not. Today, more and more people are able to perceive energy in some way and know it as a very “tangible” phenomenon. Following your intuition is a simple way to start.


What to expect

A typical treatment session consists of the following procedure:

  • Discussion with the client, taking their details and gaining an understanding of why they have come to see me.
  • The treatment itself. For most of the therapies, the client will need to lie on a massage table. The client remains fully clothed throughout the process and is free to stop the treatment at any stage.
  • Feedback and review following the treatment.

I work very intuitively and am guided to which therapy or mix of therapies the client most needs at the time of their appointment in order to best facilitate healing. This means every treatment is customized for the unique needs and highest good of the client. In some cases, a client will need specific healing on one level before the healing to address a particular symptom can occur. For example, if a client's energy systems are very low and their vitality is low, their systems will first need to be boosted before repair and clearing work can occur. To do the clearing work first would be too much for the client and their systems would not be strong enough to cope with the change.

I usually use ambient music and aromatherapy to create a relaxing environment for the client, as I find healing occurs more easily when the client is in a relaxed state. However, the client can request not to have music playing or oils burning during their session.

During the treatment stage, the client may sense the flow of energies with feelings of warmth, coolness, tingling or relaxation. It is quite common for clients to fall asleep or drift off during a treatment. This is normal and allows for deep healing to occur at an unconscious level.

Clients may experience some form of emotional release during a session. This may be anything from a fit of the giggles to tears! Again, this is perfectly normal and should an emotional release occur, it is important not to suppress it. Releasing the emotion enables healing to occur. Emotional releases may also be experienced after a treatment, and again should be allowed to occur without suppression.

On rare occasions, depending on what is going on for the client at the time, they may experience restlessness or resistance to the healing work. It is important to honor this, while recognizing it as a final barrier that the subconcious is putting up to prevent healing/ alignment occuring. It usually means the client needs to face something or have awareness around something that has been deeply held, but that needs to be released before the client can move on.  Conditioning- and Core Belief awareness- Shifting your assemblage point.  Awakening! 

Following a treatment, it is very important that the client drinks the recommended daily consumption of water for several days afterwards to flush away any toxins that may have been released. Otherwise it is possible that clients could experience headaches or feel very tired after the treatment. It is similar to the process that occurs with dietary cleanses/de-tox can occur of mind- body systems.

Some clients will immediately feel an improvement, while for others the integration of the energetic change may take several days. In the latter case, the client may experience varying emotional states, memories of past events or changing physical symptoms. When this occurs the client is actually "processing" and clearing "stuff" as a result of the energetic changes. This is sometimes referred to as a healing crisis, but it is just the body's way of releasing what needs to be cleared and to bring our awareness to what we to be let go of and what is no longer benefiting us.

 How many sessions will I need?

The answer is that it varies depending on the nature of the your problem and what that you wish to achieve. Sometimes one treatment is enough, but in other cases several treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results. The latter is more likely to be the case if you have a chronic (long term) problem. Also if have multiple issues that you require help with, obviously more sessions will be needed as there is only so much we can achieve in one session. Don't expect you can get rid of a life-time's bad habits in one go!

You may just want a one-off balance or relaxation session, or you may feel that you need regular sessions as part of your ongoing journey of personal and/ or spiritual growth. It's rather like a massage for the soul! Healing on an energetic level can be likened to peeling the layers of the onion. Over a period of time we clear more and more issues and learn how to operate in a new and healthy way in the world.

I highly recommend regular sessions (with me or anyone else!) as the effects of regular energy balances are exponential, keeping you in peak condition and leading to deep and sustained changes in the your life.

 How long are sessions?

Treatments sessions are an hour, although a 1.5 hour session is highly recommended for the first visit due to the need to gather the case history and ensure sufficient time for treatment.

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems and blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential. These blocks obstruct the vital flows of energy through our body and energy systems that are necessary for our health and wellbeing. Over time this leads to illness and depleted mental and emotional reserves. Energetic healing helps restore these vital flows.

Man is ill because he is never still.

—Paracelsus, Medieval Physician

Strive for Balance in your life... You are Awakening.




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