Healing With Lori Ann
Bodywork for your Soul
Why choose to add massage and Bodywork to your Life?

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:

  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.

Massage can also help specifically address a number of health issues. Bodywork can:

  • Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
  • Ease medication dependence.
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body's natural defense system.
  • Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
  • Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.
  • Improve the condition of the body's largest organ—the skin.
  • Increase joint flexibility.
  • Lessen depression and anxiety.
  • Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
  • Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
  • Reduce postsurgery adhesions and swelling.
  • Reduce spasms and cramping.
  • Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
  • Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller.
  • Relieve migraine pain.

Intuitive Life Coaching


Soul Coaching is a powerful, supportive, and dynamic relationship that inspires you to maximize your personal, spiritual & professional potential moving you into the future you desire through focused intention and energy sessions. As a Soul coach, I assist you in clarifying what is most important to you, your goals and delving into your unique monad gifts to help you achieve beyond what you thought was possible. Tapping into your Soul's Mission here on Earth. Similar to life coaching, the client chooses the focus of each session, while the coach listens to the client and intuitively with Guidance and contributes questions, observations and concepts, which can assist in creating possibilities and identifying actions. This partnership keeps you focused, on track and accountable to your actions and commitments.


By having a trained professional coach- with an extensive background in integrative energetic healing methods-you will have someone in your life who is dedicated to you producing remarkable and life-­‐changing positive results in the areas of life you choose and someone to consistently remind you that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

These may include areas such as self love, confidence, fulfilling relationships, health/fitness, career, wealth and spirituality, identifying archetypal roles and patterns, karmic shifts.

Through this process you will:

CLARITY: Get clear on your own goals, values and direction

Establish and commit to a plan of action.

Break your goals down into small attainable steps.

Have weekly, bi-weekly or monthly coaching sessions and your own homework to keep you accountable by tracking progress.

Breakthrough challenges and perceived barriers as they arise.

I hold a life Mission of:

Anchoring Light in the World One Body at a Time~ trillions of cells at a time. One Human Being at a time...

We affirm together- "I am in the Universe and the Universe is in me"

NOW is the time to take care of YOU... Experience Self Care like never before! "Everyone in my life loves, honors and respects me." COME EXPERIENCE WELLNESS TODAY.

Book an Appointment - younglivingmassage@yahoo.com

Phone sessions also available -


Investing in a healing energy session,

intuitive Life reading and massage is an investment

in your Life!

Most Popular Readings... are Phone sessions.

Available in 15 minute increments. 

Hour Massage sessions- $80

90 minute Chakra Massage $105

Energy Transmissions: $105.00

Soul Reading- Initial Life Chart Readings & Coaching One hour with Chart $200.00

$50 -30 mins includes reading and energy frequency attunement. 

$100- 60 mins.  Reading and energy frequency attunement. 

Sliding FEE Available. Call to discuss. 

The benefits of stress reduction

A positive cascade

Many studies of massage have shown its ability to decrease stress hormones and calm the nervous system. Dr. Tiffany Field, founder of the Touch Research Institute, University of Miami, has seen massage induce relaxation, resulting in a cascade of physical and emotional effects. All of these effects can bolster your health as well as your ability to cope with stress.

Increased feeling of well-being. Deep relaxation in addition to improved circulation results in the cleansing of waste products and improved nutrition to your cells. Increased energy, renewed optimism, and a tingling, balanced feeling can be the result.

Reduced anxiety. Increase relaxation and sense of well-being can make it easier to handle emotional stress and anxiety.

Reduced insomnia. Pregnant women, menopausal women, seniors, people suffering from fibromyalgia and anyone experiencing stress or pain may find their normal sleep patterns disrupted. Deep relaxation from massage contributes to deeper and more restorative sleep.

Improved digestion. Excess stress can result in abdominal tension. As it relaxes, massage can indirectly help with the constipation, gas, and heartburn associated with pregnancy, aging, or illness.

Recovery from surgery. Massage can help reduce anxiety and tension before surgery. Afterward, avoiding the area of surgery, overall massage can help assist the flow of nutrition to cells and the removal of wastes, resulting in faster, more efficient healing.

Reduced mental fatigue, confusion. Hospital employees reported feeling less confusion after brief chair massage. With improved circulation, the flow of oxygen to the brain is improved, temporarily increasing mental clarity.

Improved immune function. Study after study of massage is demonstrating that massage boosts the immune system, helping to both heal and prevent disease.

 Because massage reduces both
stress and tension, headaches
may be prevented as well as relieved.

Massage offers headache relief

Evidence backs up client experience

Research published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, the American Journal of Public Health, and Journal of Child Neurology indicates that massage can reduce the occurrence and frequency of tension and migraine headaches. This supports the experience of many massage clients who report a decrease in both headaches and headache pain.

How does massage help?

Massage relaxes tense muscles. When tension held in the muscles of the head, shoulders, and neck eases, there is less pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that supply them. Blood flow improves and muscle spasms are often relieved.

These factors add up to relief of tension or migraine headaches.

Massage therapy often reduces the anxiety and mental stress that can accompany headaches, too. As overall stress eases and muscle tension that can trigger headaches lessens, headaches can be prevented as well as relieved.


Massage can help restore good
posture, leading to easier
movement in the activities you love.

Massage and posture

The benefits of standing tall

A good posture doesn’t mean “perfect” posture. Most people vary from perfect posture due to birth trauma, injuries or other reasons, but everyone can strive for a flexible, aligned body that moves easily.

Why should you care?

Here are four reasons for desiring optimum posture.

1. Because hunching your neck and shoulders and slouching your back eventually leads to tightness and pain, you will simply feel better if you sit straight and tall.

2. Stooping restricts your ability to breathe deeply, and the oxygen we take in with our breath is essential to feeling energetic and well.

3. Better posture will allow you to enjoy moving with more ease in your favorite recreational activities.

4. Better posture allows you to feel supported by your bones, rather than needing to call on your muscles to keep you in alignment as you move.

How can massage help?

Body awareness. Massage often increases bodily awareness. Becoming aware of how you hunch your neck and shoulders, for example, and what it feels like when they are aligned and relaxed, can be a first step to easing into better posture.

Physical release. Massage helps restore normal posture by stretching shortened muscles and fascia, freeing movement around the joints with range of motion exercises, and relieving muscle contractions. Relieving pain and tightness can result in the release of protective habits like hunching or favoring an area, and help you feel taller and more alive.

Relieving emotional stress. When stress or an emotion like anger makes you hunch or tighten up, massage can help you feel better — your good feelings of energy and balance can be restored before constricted emotional “postures” become chronic.


Man is ill because he is never still.
—Paracelsus, Medieval Physician


What is Energy Healing?

We’ve heard so much lately about Healing and different kinds of Energy work. Just what is Energy and how can it heal?

Webster’s Dictionary describes Energy as “a vigorous exertion of power”; okay, but how does it work?

  • Where Does Energy Come From?

Energy is all around us, everywhere in all different wavelengths and frequencies.
When we speak, our voice saying words has released sound waves of Energy causing ripples in the air around us. When we think, our brains release wavelengths of Energy. And If we are what we eat… we definitely are what we think! 


“When we change the Way we look at things, the things we look at Change!” 

Dr. Wayne Dyer

  • Can Energy Be Measured?  Yes!
  • About Our Multi-Body System

We are made up of a multi-body system, not just the physical body. We have an Etheric Body, an Emotional Body, a Mental Body and an Astral Body.

  • Healing Balances Energy

We all have storage/Power centers in our bodies that store Energy and Energy patterns. They are called Chakras. We can have Energy Patterns stored from events that happened yesterday as well as from many years ago. Dis-ease is a manifestation of unbalanced Energy. Healing, then is a way of balancing Energy.

  • Why I talk about the Importance of Finding Balance in an Unbalanced world~ taking the time to close our eyes and JUST BREATHE~  We create our world with our emotions- Feelings are Energy in Motion…
  • Take the time to check out where your emotions are in this moment and then you will figure out why you are creating the world that you are calling your Reality!  NOW is your Point of power, the past doesn’t have any power unless you keep thinking about it…  Use your NOW to create your good, your world!
  • Negative Forms of Energy

Throughout our lives we pick up negative forms of Energy, such as Fear, Doubt, Anger, Judgment, Criticism, Blame and others. Any techniques we find that enable us to let go of these patterns will help to move us toward peace and happiness.  Our Issues can be stored in our Tissues!

How do you think I can best Help You Heal? 
When I first meet people, I often ask this right up front- How do you think I can best Help you Heal? Have you thought about this in awhile regarding your mind/body/spirit working as an integral part of "What" You are Creating in your life right now? Yes, YOU the Creator of your NOW.  I remind people that you don't have to be your Past and You get to create your future.  You get to choose how to navigate through your life- When issues show up in the body- we do have to recognize that our Biography becomes our Biology- Dr. Carolyn Myss has much info on this belief.  http://www.myss.com/

I was introduced to Dr. Myss' work in 1998 and today I still find her one of the most influential teachers on Mind Body Wholeness.  As a former Social Worker, I truly wanted to help people turn from feeling like they are a Victim in life to be the Victor of their Life! Take the reigns! Enjoy this great gift- called the Present Moment.  It truly is all we really have. 

Sure, some people get on my table and just desire a great massage- whether to relax or help them continue their daily life activities- they play golf, softball, run marathons, personal trainers, build houses, financial advisors, parents, make music and play drums- a variety of client professions. 

Some of my clients are going through really huge experiences as such as Chemo, radiation, grief and loss- so massage maybe appropriate OR not. They find that Healing Touch Energy Work is calming, soothing and anchoring for their Soul. They may be looking at their life in a very NEW and Awakened state, and I am walking along side them helping with spirit questions that cross dimensions really and talk that maybe a bit tough for co-workers or friend coffee date. 


Believe me, it is not so far out of reach for all of us to tap into our internal intuition advisor. OUR VERY OWN GPS! I mentor clients opening up their own 6th sense and guide them through these changing times.  If I can help them in some way, or issues seem to be out of my scope of practice- I will refer them and find the help they may need as a Spiritual Intuitive Coach.


Above all, I wish you Wholeness as you are finding who you really are!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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